June 05, 2011

Your Ego and How it Can Affect Your Life

So what is your ego you ask? It is that part of your brain, and a rather silly part,that makes you always think you must finish on top!

Whether it is having the last word, winning an argument, or even causing someone emotional pain while trying to prove you are right.

(Of course you may well be right but this isn't a nice way to do it.).

Most of the time when arguing with people who have a different perspective, or are simply a little stupid, you cannot win in any case.

Some people will simply never get it no matter how many provable facts you come up with. It can be very draining and a waste of your time.
As someone once said: “ 5% of people think, 15% think they think, and the rest would rather do anything than have to think”. (Skip Ross).

Essentially ego makes you waste your time and energy and prevents you from moving forward in your life.

It stops you from actually believing in yourself, your instincts, inner voices and what we now call ‘vibes’.

How many times do we dismiss ‘vibes’ only to discover later that we should have taken notice of them?

If you think deeply about some of the decisions you have made in the past you may even acknowledge that these were purely ego-driven and were, in fact, a big mistake!

Your ego often provides you with silly excuses that help you justify the things you do. It prevents you from thinking things through thoroughly and can lead to what I can “unintended consequences”. These are usually bad.
I think we see this a lot from our politicians – just one example that comes to mind.

We may also see many examples from our work colleagues and family members.
Ego keeps you in a state of immaturity.

In other words it is the opposite of your “higher self” or soul.

That is why you have to be very aware of not acting on ego-driven advice.

Your higher self is desperately trying to help you get to who you want to be, who you are capable of being.

You must learn to love yourself and constantly push your ego out of your thought processes as much as you can. Loving yourself is not an “ego thing”. It is necessary for your success.

Your ego restrains you in every possible way.

Try and learn to live without it and communicate with your higher self instead.