By Jo Williams
Stressed? I am!
Suffer from stress? I do!
But what to do, what to do???
There are many things that you can do but sometimes we find that the list and options in themselves can be the one thing that we actually find stressful, therefore we avoid the thing or things that we know will bring us peace.
It’s OK, calm down. Take a deep breath and relax.
You are your authority in life not me, not the television or someone you have only just met. YOU, it’s always you, and you need to trust you.
First, write down 5 things you love doing that you know will help you manage your stress.
Now, write down 5 things that you know won’t help you manage your stress.
Now ask yourself for 5 things that you know you are currently doing that you shouldn’t be doing that are causing you stress.
Well done!
These tools, although simple are the first steps to you regaining control and controlling your stress. We all lead busy lives and some of us have better ways of dealing with stress than others but self preservation is the key and to begin is very easy.
So, stop what you are doing, take a deep breath and relax, as you have brought this to you, you may as well do the steps being asked of you. Give yourself a few minutes is all you have to do! Then ‘poof’ like a puff of smoke everything seems new !
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With many thanks to Jo Williams.
Picture credit: Psychology 101: Ways to Manage Stress