February 01, 2014

Wibki: Your New Way To Explore The Web



Wibki will revolutionize the way you surf the web and bookmark your favorite sites. With a visual interface and sleek layout, you’ll never go back to your old browsing habits again.

Bookmark In Style

The idea behind bookmarking webpages is smart, but the way we go about it almost as old as the Internet itself. We find a site we know will eventually be useful to us, and keep it in a “junk drawer” like tab on our browser. 

Wibki‘s goal is to make this ineffective bookmarking method obsolete, so you’ll actually go back to your saved pages and break out from your 5 favorite sites. 

You’ll be able to create customized tabs for the expert recipes you’ll eventually tackle, the countless travel blogs you’ll need for your backpacking trip, and the best humor sites to make you pee your pants on your next coffee break. 

When you find a site, article, or blog that you love, saving them to your Wibki is easy with the customized bookmarlet.
Instead of a typical  drop down menu, the site is saved as the site’s icon. The visual aspect is clean, organized, and makes returning to your sites tempting.

We tend to fall into the habit of visiting the same 5 or 6 websites over and over again. We know you love your tried-and-true sites, but the web has so much more to offer than Facebook, Google, and YouTube. Wibki‘s social discovery concept allows you to discover the web from friends and other Wibki users. 

When you check out their profile, you’ll be able to see what sites they saved and visit most. If your TV-obsessed friend visits Television Without Pity 15 times a month, it’s their way of recommending the site and telling you it’s great. You get to discover the web through the eyes of your friends and show them what lesser-known sites you think they should be visiting. 

But don’t worry–your more, um, personal sites can be saved in a private category. It’s time to branch out and explore what the web really has to offer. Trust us, you haven’t seen anything yet.

 More video and information here.

With many thanks to All My Favs.