February 23, 2015

Sometimes You Just Want To Say Thank You #TDThanksYou


More of this would be very nice. It has gone viral too!

From You Tube:

Love our Automated Thanking Machine? See what these people did in just 24 hours to #MakeTodayMatter: http://youtu.be/dP7OgLCc4vo

TD turns ATMs into Automated Thanking Machines to create some very special moments for customers across Canada.

A thank you can change someone's day. #TDThanksYou

Want to see more of the Automated Thanking Machine?

A closer look at a Blue Jays Super Fan – http://youtu.be/a0OnFBFY4og

Cooking with a Master Chef – http://youtu.be/FHJr8bCFEaQ
Parfois, on veut simplement dire merci – http://youtu.be/1FtDl5ClsS8