November 20, 2012

Introducing the most powerful diagnostic equipment in the world – ‘The Limitless Brain!’

"Doctors, Counselors – an Old Paradigm?"                                                                

By Daniel Rechnitzer

It is the 1st of January 2017, New Years day. I sit and reflect on the year gone by. I am in awe of what has transpired around the world – industries have gone through major flux, having to reach new levels of accountability. But one industry stands tall… the coaching industry. It too has undergone massive transformation, like an adult becoming wiser and learning who they really are, learning what is true.

A grin stretches across my face as I am reminded of my own journey, when I began to discover all that I am…

It was the time I first saw Whole Brain Intelligence in action, when I learned what is truly possible for us. It was June 1997, I had just sat down to relax when I was startled by the phone ringing. It was a dear friend of mine with an invitation not to be missed. He had been telling me about a couple who had “abilities”: they could see things about a person, know who they were at their core, they were “amazing”, he said… and they were in town tonight!
I decided to embark on this adventure and head out to meet them, to see what was behind these stories. I am so glad I did.

It was 7 p.m. – we had arrived on time. The room was filled with people. An electricity was in the air, everyone was smiling. It was so contagious that I couldn’t help smiling too.
I was invited by an older woman to experience a treatment, she was the one my friend had told me about. How could I refuse a first-hand glimpse at what these people were capable of?

I lay down on the massage table, ready and open. She needed to calm me, as I was top-heavy with adrenalin and fear. She spoke softly and calmly, having me feel safe and finally at ease.
She placed her hands gently upon my head, sitting behind me. 

She began talking, remarking about things that were incredibly familiar to me. We had only met for a few seconds and she began recounting my entire life story, revealing to me the reasons why I was feeling stuck in my life, why my back was aching and why I was avoiding a deeper commitment in my relationships. Incredibly, it was all true – every word she spoke.

We had barely met, uttered only a few words to one another, but she spoke about me as if she had participated in every moment of my life – like she had been watching me since birth. How was she doing this? Was this even possible?

It was as if she had tapped into the truth about my life: who I was, how I was living, what my struggles were, all my key frustrations and – best of all – the answers to resolving them.

She told me more about how I was feeling about my parents, about University and how I was being particularly self-destructive in my life. She gave me radical insights, answers to questions that had bothered me for months. It all came so easily to her, I was amazed to say the least. It felt like she knew more about me than I did.

But what was particularly startling for me was how she spoke. She wasn’t using her own words, they were my words – my very thoughts – the precise sentence structure, word for word the exact phrasing of my own thoughts. Needless to say, a paradigm was collapsing.
Could it be that my thoughts were no longer under lock and key? How was she accessing my mind? All this time I had thought my thoughts were private, hidden from view. Clearly, I was mistaken!

What I had just experienced was extraordinary.

 My father had often told me about a phenomenon called Universal Intelligence (UI), but to be faced with it like this, out of the blue… what a mind-blowing experience! My neck was healed, I had clarity and certainty about my life. I had received answers to all my questions, but most importantly something more expansive had occurred. I was shown the truth, a new paradigm where answers on any topic could be accessed.

Everything changed from this point on, how could it not!

I began a long and deep search into my very nature, our nature as human beings. My adventure took me to learning more about these skills, the truth about enlightenment, how our belief holds us back and what really creates illness in the body… it took me to learning and practicing these skills for myself, living it, walking the talk every step of the way.

Best of all, my adventure took me to meeting my wife Sonja – beautiful inside and out – and together we were able to take this realm of Whole Brain Intelligence to a profound new level. 

We went through hardship and massive learning curves to eventually become experts in this field. We started teaching others this amazing gift, running workshops and mentoring people, everything focussed around attaining answers through the mind, using it like an antenna to reach Universal Intelligence. Our teachings later got titled “Becoming ALL KNOWING”.

We learned so much about what is real and how our belief systems distort the truth like an opposite reality, bringing emptiness instead of fulfilment. We were shown through this space that Whole Brain Intelligence is a unique configuration of the brain, currently quite rare and in fact the epitome of brain function. It is where both hemispheres of the brain begin resonating in unison to bring in information beyond what people already know. 

Like an antenna, the brain actually perceives frequencies of information – similar to a radio picking up on signals – but from everything: people, places, situations and most importantly from a sublime consciousness within, the Super Conscious.

Our “intuition” as people call it – our sixth sense – turned out to be another way to describe Whole Brain Intelligence. Where our five physical senses perceive our physical reality, it is our sixth sense using Whole Brain Intelligence that perceives a more subtle reality, thought waves – an endless sea of limitless genius.

Inspiration, our greatest insights, our greatest ideas and wisdom, enter via this space through a still mind. True genius is accessed via Whole Brain Intelligence, not from us but through us.

We realised a profound misunderstanding had occurred across humanity – our brain was not stand-alone at all, rather it can be compared to wireless internet, connecting everyone and everything. It is just that we were not taught this in school, leading us to drawing upon a stand-alone brain only. Our brain can only do what is expected of it.

We discovered there was a key, a secret ingredient to accessing Whole Brain intelligence, the reason why so few are accessing it at will. It is rare, difficult to find in today’s society, but in truth something we can all access when taught how. The key is pure self belief. It unlocks the doorway to the mind, expanding beyond what is known to us, opening the mind to unlimited creativity and knowledge – infinity personified!

We have all had many experiences with Whole Brain Intelligence: the times we walk into a room and feel the energy there, the waves of excitement we feel wash over us in a sports arena, the times we pick up on anger when entering a situation, to the very common experience of thinking of someone moments before they phone us. All of these occurrences are brought to us via Whole Brain Intelligence. Just like bread crumbs, these experiences are leading us to vital truths, to something powerful and undeniable.

It has been our beliefs at the subconscious level – including societal belief systems – that have hidden this Whole Brain truth from us. Like a shroud cloaking the truth, our beliefs have served to maintain our identity, the non-truth. But underneath these beliefs, as you learn to pierce the veil, the truth awaits: that we in fact are ALL KNOWING.

Our Whole Brain Intelligence gives us the unique ability to pierce the veil of what seems real, giving us clarity as to what is actually real – to read between the lines and see the hidden truths. Life mimics our thought patterns.

 Our wellbeing reflects our inner most thoughts, our outer Universe reflects our innermost Universe and so on. It is through Whole Brain Intelligence that we get to see behind the scenes to the thoughts buried deep, the thoughts that are at the root cause of our life experiences: our marriage breakdowns, our financial struggles, illness and disease, the success or failure of our business ventures, even who we are as a species.

So I delved deeper, discovering that underpinning our Whole Brain Intelligence, essentially linking all human beings, is a field of frequencies… like a melting pot of knowledge and wisdom, of thoughts and intelligence known and thoughts yet to be discovered. Like ripples over a still pond, this field relays information and insights to those using Whole Brain Intelligence, gifting knowledge, wisdom and guidance.

Contained within this field are all the answers: how to experience an all natural pain free birth, how to move someone from depression to being on purpose in life, how to grow people from living a mediocre life to experiencing their own greatness in every moment. It is abundant in wisdom, truth and a myriad of ways to protect and grow our future.

 This field gives access to tapping into a person’s core being. The answers to entire life journeys lay hidden beneath layers of self doubt, but Whole Brain Intelligence is the key. It spawns a new frontier of coaches, a new level of personal development, as we train people to Become ALL KNOWING. A practitioner is no longer reliant on their thinking mind, but are receiving guidance from intelligence running through and connecting all of us. They are using their Super Conscious mind to retrieve these answers. Some feel this information, some see pictures, colours or faces. Some hear the words coming through, others receive this guidance using all of their senses. A profound level of communication occurs, multisensory and universal in nature.

A radical notion – a practitioner simply holds an intention to uncover the truth about a situation to uncover the perfect path forward. The answers arrive almost immediately, they do not need to be thought about or considered as they already exist, waiting to be accessed.
Coaching people in this way blew us away.

 The answers no longer come from us, but through us. You become a messenger speaking in your client’s language, using their words, their truth, bringing it from their Super Conscious Self to their waking conscious mind. It is somewhat like having Google as your brain, accessing anything – in this case your client’s life story, belief systems and ultimate perfect path.

Whole Brain Intelligence is part of our nature; we are all journeying towards it over time. Exactly how long it takes is up to us. It can be confronting at first, to learn of something so advanced and effective, yet so simple. But when we see ourselves as deserving and worthy, as we let in this simple truth, we wonder how we ever did without it.

If you could see into a person’s heart, what holds them back and what sets them free, would you wait to access it, or would you move mountains to embrace it? We embraced it and we have never looked back.

Walking your truth is the greatest gift you can ever give to your clients… and yourself.

Author Bio

Daniel Rechnitzer
Daniel Rechnitzer

Daniel Rechnitzer is the Author of “The ALL KNOWING Diary”, a treasure map to ALL KNOWING. Like an ancient manuscript, it reveals timeless wisdom and priceless truths teaching you how to access your ALL KNOWING Brain.\RechnitzerDaniel

With thanks to Conscious Life.

The All Knowing Diary now available on Kindle.