May 31, 2016

Australia: Heart Of The Nation Photo Series: A Selection


Something about the (complex) way this photo was taken makes it strangely compelling.

Picture: Peter Solness


A portrait of a firefighter looks out across the Winton Wetlands, near Wangaratta, Victoria. 

Picture: Rene Martens


Kelly Brooks grew up on a beef farm at Rubicon in Victoria’s High Country, tearing around on motorbikes with her two brothers and playing guitar around the campfire. She is now an aspiring country singer, based in Queensland with her kelpie, Dusty.
Picture: Luke Marsden.


Why do some creatures get a bad rap even though they’re amazing? Take this native fish, which is found in freshwater habitats all along the east coast of Australia. This one’s in the pond at Sydney’s Royal Botanic Gardens, where it will lead a pretty mundane life preying on crustaceans, insects, fish and ducklings for the first 90 per cent of its existence. 

Picture: Matty Smith

Grumblebum developed a taste for beer when his owner, Crockett Paterson, inadvertently poured him one one hot summer day. It’s now a weekly treat, and XXXX Gold is his preferred bevy. 

Picture: David Sproule


A blessing of the fleet, featuring statues of the Virgin Mary, a throng of people and an archbishop, who prays for a safe and bountiful year. Sounds like medieval Italy, doesn’t it? In fact, it's in hip, modern Fremantle. 

Picture: Tony McDonough


Human endeavours always look different from the air. Take the St Ives gold mine near Kambalda, WA. Photographed from a plane, the mine’s tailings dump resembles an abstract charcoal artwork, with tiny flecks of colour that turn out to be bulldozers. 

Picture: Sheldon Pettit  


It takes a certain type of courage to step out over a 200m abyss. 

Picture: Richard McGibbon 

Click to enlarge.

With many thanks to The Australian